Nintendo Switch Presentation: Nintendo Scene’s Hopes and Predictions

Nintendo Switch Hopes and Predictions

This is it folks; in just a few hours the big Nintendo Switch presentation will be here. And what a treat it promises to be. Live from Japan in the early hours of tomorrow morning, or later tonight, depending where in the world you reside, fans are looking forward to seeing more details about Nintendo’s next console. A launch date, price, game line up and more are all on the cards.

The team here at Nintendo Scene are all looking forward to the presentation, with alarms set for an early morning wake up call. But what are we hoping and expecting to see? I give you our Hopes and Predictions.


I am really looking forward to the Switch presentation and hope, more than anything, that it gets me excited for Nintendo once again. I’m ashamed to say that my 3DS has not seen much of the light of day recently and the Wii U, other than regular visits to Lego City by my daughter (the Switch version of this should be good!), is also collecting dust currently. My most played title on Wii U last year was Lego Dimensions, but even that has now been re-bought for Xbox One and so isn’t played any more either.

My favourite Nintendo titles have always been the 3D Mario ones and Mario Kart. So, for me, the best thing that the presentation could include is the much rumoured and expected reveal of New Mario Kart and a new 3D Mario title. Easy. Simple. Come on Nintendo – please don’t let me down! Mario Kart 8 was fantastic, so even if it’s a port, with some new tracks, I’ll be sold. A sequel to Mario Galaxy, a trip around the Mushroom Kingdom, or something new – a 3D Mario launch title is top of my wish list. Packed in with the Switch and I’ll be there on day one with my credit card.

As for the console itself, I’d love to see that it will be available with a decent amount of storage. Or at least a nice easy way to expand it. Forever needing to delete or move game data on the Wii U was a constant battle every time I wanted to get something new. I predict a couple of console bundle options for launch, with a choice of pack in game (Breath of the Wild or Mario Switch), amiibo compatibility, StreetPass, plenty of triple A launch titles (Splatoon, Mario Kart, 3rd party ports) as well as a whole plethora of launch accessories to ensure the Switch arrives with maximum impact. After the drip feed of games and software updates that plagued the Wii U’s life, let’s hope Nintendo go all out for the Switch.

Nintendo Switch Mario Kart


What I hope to see from Nintendo Directs doesn’t seem to change much recently. I’m forever hoping for a new Punch-Out or Metroid, and by Metroid I mean something that isn’t Federation Force. Focusing on what’s been all but confirmed instead: I’m hoping to see a lot of coverage of a new Splatoon game that was seen at the end of the reveal trailer. I’d like to know how the new game will be controlled, and how many customisation options there will be. A look at the maps and weapons wouldn’t go amiss either.

From the new Mario game, I’d like to see another star-collecting game that takes the best from previous 3D Mario titles. A preferred design from me would be for it to contain a mix of linear levels seen in Mario 3D World and somewhat Super Mario Galaxy, with the more open levels seen in Mario 64 and Sunshine. I’m also expecting a launch title comprised of mini-games that play to the new console’s strengths – something akin to Nintendo Land for the Wii U, and Wii Sports. I’m hoping for some strong new IP’s, which Nintendo hopefully have more confidence in supporting after Splatoon’s success. As always I’m aching to find out what Retro Studios has been up to. Did I mention I’d love a new Metroid?

The re-emergence of any old franchises would be exciting really – maybe F-Zero will make a comeback with the new system’s stronger capabilities – but I’m also interested to learn some other info. I’m expecting a price announcement, and am hoping it stays below £250. For that price, I’d like to have the console along with two or three games. Nintendo accounts and eShop balances are surely going to be carried over, but there’s also the question of Virtual Console games being re-downloaded on the Switch without requiring another purchase (provided it’s compatible at all of course).

Whatever happens, it’s bound to be an exciting event. My alarm is set for 3.30AM!

Nintendo Switch Splatoon


So, it’s finally almost time to find out what this whole thing is about with Nintendo’s new handheld-home-TV console. But what do I think will happen or, I guess more importantly, what do I want to happen?

Okay, starting with my predictions, I would would happily stake on the fact that Nintendo are genuinely going to consider this launch, so the launch line-up of games will be strong. At a guess, Smash for Wii U upgrade, Mario Kart 8 upgrade and Super Mario Switch on either the launch day or shortly after release. Breath of the Wild I’m going to hedge on being within about a four month period after. In terms of games on Switch, and given the rumours (and the “remaster culture” of the industry of late), I’m going to guess that most of the games for Switch at first will be ports from other formats and remasters of Wii U titles. So, I would bank on Dark Souls, Bayonetta 1 & 2, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and Super Mario 3D World eventually too.

My hopes are a bit more far flung and mostly relate to the Hori fight stick that appears to be coming to Switch. Could Nintendo fans finally be getting a decent fighting game that isn’t Smash? If so, I would like to see any of the myriad of anime-based fighters I play or, and this is very unlikely, Street Fighter V. Other than this, a new Fire Emblem similar in style to the ‘Radiant’ series for Switch would go a long way in selling me the new console. Also, and I’ll keep saying it until they listen, a new PROPER Metroid game (no, Nintendo, Federation Force does not count for anything, let alone a Metroid title) would be an undoubtedly incredible success for the Switch.

Nintendo Switch Mario

So that’s our thoughts… now what about  yours? What are you hoping and expecting to see in the presentation? Let us know in the comments.

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