NS Review – Bayonetta 2 (Switch)

After the arguable sleeper success of the first Bayonetta game, especially from a large group of players, it all seemed like a sequel was inevitably on the cards. However, we wouldn’t see our favourite Umbra Witch for a few years afterwards and the means of her return would surprise all of us. After striking a … Continue reading

NS Review – Bayonetta (Switch)

The Switch has become somewhat of a goldmine for ports since its launch, and with good reason. The portability of the console has allowed for several games for be given the fresh lease on life they deserve. This includes several unexpected surprises, one of which is Bayonetta. Originally released in the UK in 2010 on … Continue reading

Nintendo Switch Presentation: Nintendo Scene’s Hopes and Predictions

Nintendo Switch Hopes and Predictions

This is it folks; in just a few hours the big Nintendo Switch presentation will be here. And what a treat it promises to be. Live from Japan in the early hours of tomorrow morning, or later tonight, depending where in the world you reside, fans are looking forward to seeing more details about Nintendo’s … Continue reading

Bayonetta Set To Bewitch Her Foes In Super Smash Bros. Next Year

During tonight’s Super Smash Bros. Nintendo Direct presentation, Masahiro Sakurai announced that the Umbra Witch Bayonetta will be the last character to join the Super Smash Bros. roster for Wii U and 3DS. She will have two costume options: a short-haired version of Bayonetta, and a long-haired version as well as a “Jeanne” color variation. Depending on what costume you … Continue reading

A Challenger Approaches! – Our Thoughts on the Smash Ballot

Wednesday evening brought us another Nintendo Direct, this time concentrating mostly on games and events that are due around the time of E3, and it came with one hell of a Smash Bros. update. Not only is Mewtwo coming relatively soon, but also Lucas will be rejoining the Smash roster as DLC. However, that wasn’t … Continue reading

NS Review: Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

Platinum Games obviously enjoyed making this game, and would probably enjoy the fact that I was genuinely surprised that they could surpass the original title in almost every conceivable way. Almost everything, if you excuse the cliché has been taken to the next level. The boss fights, the set pieces, the combat, the enemies and … Continue reading

NS Review: Bayonetta (Wii U)

I will cover this in as little time as I can, simply because I know that the sequel is the one that everyone wants to know about. Because of this, I will talk enough about the first game as is needed to catch up those that haven’t played it, but spend a little more time … Continue reading

Wii-U NY Press/Media Conference: Games Recap

My last post was a recap of the presentation that was shown across the internet. This post will recap most of the games at the show and give an inside look at what I think about some of the games that I had a chance to demo. Lets get started, we have lots to cover. … Continue reading

The Wii U Games Nintendo Didn’t Mention – Game & Wario, Project P-100 & Panorama View

Even though Nintendo’s E3 conference focused on the Wii U, the gaming giants held back some of their upcoming games, including Game & Wario and Project P-100, both working titles. Here is all we know about both games so far, straight from Nintendo’s own E3 press site: GAME & WARIO: Wario’s Wii U Masterpiece Wario … Continue reading

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