Baobabs Mausoleum Grindhouse Edition – NS REVIEW

Sometimes game genres can get a bit stale: repetitive gameplays, reused ideas, etc. We have our adventure games, our stealth games, our platformers, our horror games… And then we have Baobabs Mausoleum. If I had to describe the game to someone in very little words I’d probably say: “Imagine a crossover between Wario Ware and Zelda, … Continue reading

Spirit Hunter: NG Switch Review – Spirit Battling Horror Visual Novel

Spirit Hunter NG nintendo switch review

Spirit Hunter: NG is the second game in the Spirit Hunter series after Death Mark. It’s a horror visual novel developed by Experience Inc. who have made many a dungeon crawler RPG until starting the Spirit Hunter series. Within the first 15 minutes of playing NG I could tell this was a massive improvement over … Continue reading

NS Review – Project Zero: Maiden of the Black Water (Wii U)

I do not know why I do these things to myself. I do not enjoy horror; I don’t watch horror films, nor do I play horror games (unless I happen to be playing a character that possesses a large, powerful gun of some description), I genuinely don’t enjoy being scared. I have a stronger power … Continue reading

Shinrei (Spirit) Camera US Release Date Announced

Here at Nintendo Scene we have been following closely Tecmo’s upcoming 3DS horror-fest, Shinrei Camera, whose name has now been finalised as Camera: The Cursed Memoir. Rather cleverly, or should I say creepily, Tecmo have coincided the US release date with the notoriously superstitious Friday 13th, in April. One of the most intriguing aspects of Spirit … Continue reading

New Trailer for ‘Shinrei Camera’

After the Nintendo Direct presentation last night, a new trailer has emerged for upcoming horror game, Shinrei Camera (Spirit Camera). Tecmo Koei’s latest trailer shows in greater detail the the AR functionality implemented within the game. The game comes with an AR notebook, dubbed the ‘Violet Journal’, which must be scanned with the AR reader … Continue reading

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