NintenRants III – Nintendo and the Internet

For my third NintenRant, I wanted to tackle an issue which I hear a rather large amount from other gamers both old and new, whether affiliated with the Big N or not; Nintendo and their seeming incapability to sort out online on their games or consoles. That isn’t to say that Nintendo have never made … Continue reading

Nintendo Direct: Iwata Delves Into The Miiverse, Unboxes A Wii U And Has An Awkward Video Chat With Reggie

The Wii U is set to be released in North America in less than two weeks and surprisingly we’ve heard very little about one of the biggest features of the console, the Miiverse. Fortunately Nintendo have decided it’s a important aspect to their new console and this morning dedicated an entire Nintendo Direct presentation to it! Naturally President Satoru … Continue reading

Upcoming Nintendo Direct Will Detail The MiiVerse Before Wii U Launches

Nintendo have been so sheepishly quiet when it comes to information on their online network for the Wii U that they might as well be sat in a vacuum with a vice clamping down on their already tight lips. This has been worrying to say the very least considering the latest Nintendo home console launches … Continue reading

Reggie Talks About Nintendo’s Entertainment-Focussed Future And How The MiiVerse Will Help

The gaming industry is entering a new era, one where the big three, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, don’t just compete with each other but also with the likes of Google, Apple and Facebook. With the Wii U on the horizon Reggie Fils-Aime wanted to set the tone and talk about how the company is aiming … Continue reading

Wii U Games We’d Like To See: Wii Sports Rio 2016

The Olympic Games are all done and dusted now and I, along with many others, am missing it profusely! Before the games even began all the London 2012 merchandise was circulating including the traditional licenced video games. Xbox 360 and PS3 owners got to play the official London 2012 game while Nintendo Wii and 3DS … Continue reading

Reggie Talks MiiVerse and What You Will See When You Turn On The Wii U

President of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime has spoken about what you’ll see when you turn on your brand spanking new Wii U for the first time and how the MiiVerse will intergrate with the new console. Speaking to Kotaku, Reggie spoke about what you’ll see should the console be connected to the web: “So … Continue reading

Wii U Games We’d Like to See: Animal Crossing Universe

Animal Crossing has been a hugely popular game series for Nintendo from the very moment it appeared on those lucky Japanese N64s! Nintendo weren’t convinced at first that the game could be a success in the Western market but in 2002 they took a chance and ported the game onto the Gamecube in North America … Continue reading

Welcome, To The Miiverse!

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata tonight unveiled Miiverse for the Wii U at today’s Nintendo Direct conference. Miiverse is one of the first things you will see once you turn on your Wii U, and it shows your Mii’s, your friends Mii’s and also other Miis who are playing the same games. Somewhat similar to your 3DS friend list. … Continue reading

Nintendo Direct Round-Up – GamePad, Miiverse, Wii U Pro Controller & More!

Only moments ago, Satoru Iwata finished his Nintendo Direct online conference to the world, addressing some new features of the upcoming Wii U console. If you are still left feeling a bit overwhelmed and need a refresher, or maybe you didn’t catch any of the show then help is at hand. Nintendo Scene is here … Continue reading

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