Harmony Of A Hunter: 101% Run Available To Download On 17th November

Way back in 1986 a little game known as Metroid was released on the Famicon in Japan – twenty six years later and Samus is still exploring the galaxy, saving us from space pirate tyranny on a daily basis! To celebrate last year’s twenty fifth anniversary Shinesparkers, the home of everything Metroid on the internet, released Harmony of a … Continue reading

Nintendo To Bring Music Store To 3DS In Japan

During yesterday’s Japanese Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata revealed a new music service that will be coming to the 3DS in partnership with the popular digital music store, Recochoku. Recochoku already has over a million songs in its music catalogue and these will all be made available to 3DS owners when the service launches in Japan in … Continue reading

Final Fantasy rhythm-action game heading to the 3DS

Before you brush this off as just another Final Fantasy RPG to add to the 25+ titles Square Enix have squeezed out in the past 23 years, this one boasts something a little different… Although it still plays like a RPG, this new Final Fantasy game uses musical battles rather than the traditional turn-based combat. … Continue reading

My Top 10 Ocarina of Time Tracks

It’s been a week now since the re-release of the greatest videogame of our time* and for the most of us, it has been a welcomed trip to nostalgia city; collecting gold skulltula tokens, riding Epona over Hyrule fields and even battling our way through the odd dungeon as we go. But for me Zelda … Continue reading

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